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if it burns going down, you know you made it right

The chilly mornings are a great reminder that fall is quickly approaching. One thing that our family likes to do in preparation for fall and winter is boost our immune system. Like any other family, we like our fair share of sweets and treats and while they offer temporary satisfaction they can wreck havoc on your immune system. Implementing fire cider into your routine is a great way to shock your system and build up all the good things your body already naturally makes. I'm no doctor but when you see the benefits for yourself you can't help but want to share it with others. The great things about fire cider is you've already got most of the ingredients in your kitchen and fret not, there is no cookie cutter recipe for fire cider so you can omit an ingredient if you don't have it. As always, try to source your materials as close to home as possible! #localislovely

Fire Cider is a homemade tonic that naturally boosts your immune system and warms your body. It is based on an ancient type of herbal medicinal preparation called an Oxymel. (liquid infused herbal medicines with a vinegar and honey base) Mixing a combo of ingredients with amazing underlying benefits and topping it off with apple cider vinegar the results are a shot of toasty goodness. You can take a spoonful a day and then increase if you feel sickness coming on. It is important to note this mix needs about 6 weeks to sit, so do not delay in making yourself a quart!


1/2 lemon

1/2 orange

1/2 cup chopped ginger

1/2 cup chopped horseradish root

1/4 cup chopped turmeric root ( or 1 tbsp turmeric powder)

1/2 onion

1 whole jalapeño. halved

2 springs rosemary

4 springs thyme

1 tsp whole black peppercorns

1 head of garlic gloves

2 cinnamon sticks

apple cider vinegar with the mother

In a quart jar, place all ingredients and top with apple cider vinegar making sure all ingredients are submerged. Place a plastic jar lid on top. If you are using metal be sure to place a piece of parchment paper or cheesecloth under the lid to ensure the mix isn't touching the metal. Store in a cool dry place away from windows for 6 weeks. Everyday give the jar a little shake. I find it helps to set myself a reminder on my phone for the ending day and even a reminder to shake the jar. When you have as many tinctures and tonics brewing as I have, you'll need those reminders!

Once finished, take a spoonful daily and store in the fridge. Wishing you health and wellness!

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